Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I hate my skin!

Skin. OMG. Let’s talk about it. First of all I hate mine. No, not my skin color.  I have very sensitive skin. I have broken out in hives since…Well I can’t remember life without them. I must be allergic to everything. I have tried Aveeno – PEOPLE this is not for true sensitive skin. A good friend’s daughter has eczema and various allergies. She said the Aveeno for eczema prone skin made her daughter’s skin worse. I mean seriously how do company’s get away with selling basically the same product under different more expensive names. FYI- Johnson & Johnson produce Aveeno products as well. If you look at the list of ingredients on the back of Johnson & Johnson Head to Toe (baby soap), Aveeno, and “creamy” Aveeno : they are all the same products listed in different order. Since we know they are in order of amount, this simply means they are all the same ingredients in different amounts. I used my son’s Aveeno when I was experiencing hives. Yea, made it worse.

I use this only as an example of what all major brands do with our body products. I’m at my breaking point. I do not feel I should have “bad skin” because I am obviously allergic to chemicals. I know it is not this simple (I am in nursing school). I just want to be able to find something that will make my skin clean and smell beautiful. Right now, I am using CeraVe’s lotion when I am having a particularly bad few days. Great stuff. I totally recommend this for dry, sensitive skin; especially if you are allergic to fragrances. That is just it though. It smells like my son’s formula spit up, and formula stinks going in. Yuck.
So on my search I found this website and I read there frequently asked questions. Basically they say that they use the natural process to make soap, saponification.
Saponification occurs when a alkali base breaks down a fat. This fat can be vegetable or animal, which Lux Naturals claims to only use vegetable oils. They claim to use no animal products and perform no animal testing. : ) when the fat is broken, a salt made of fatty acids and glycerol remain = SOAP.

I took upon myself to investigate the animal products used in soap. Well, I found a website guys and it is not pretty. This is a website called Teach Soap and it is dedicated to making your own soap. Under there “Basics” section, there is an article titled “Rendering Tallow”. Here you will see how to take suet  (animal fat generally from around the loins and kidneys of cattle) and melt it into tallow to be used for soap making. 

Geez. That’s really gross. It’s enough to make me never want to make that type of soap but what is the difference between animal versus vegetable? What companies use animal oils? This is what I will be looking into on my skincare ”quest”. Finding quality products that work has become my goal after seeing that my son may have the same problems that I do.

Needless to say, I think that I am going to try out Lux Naturals. Shout out to Abby, since I did see it on your blog! I will update with a yay or nay for Lux Naturals and my skin type.

By the way, Lux Naturals isn’t some large company. It is a man and woman, who state on their website,  were looking for a product her husband could use on his psoriasis prone skin.

<3 Val

Urban Decay Book of Shadows, Vol. II

Urban Decay Urban Ammo Eye Palette

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Under Construction

Sorry for the temporary changes guys!

I am trying to make my blog space bigger, so I will not have to reduce the size of the pictures I post.

Bare with me. It is all for the greater good :).

Forever 21 Twisted inspired by Alice and Wonderland

  • Black Dinah Cardigan : $15
  • Grey Ruffled Tea Party Skirt: $28
  • Yellow Bobbinet Flounce Skirt: $25
  • Painted Rose Sweater:$23
  • Striped Cheshire Cardigan: $23 
  • Rose Garden Romper: $28
  • Yellow Mesh Corset Dress: $25
  •  Grey Lace Footman Jacket: $35
Forever 21 has a new line of clothing inspired by Alice in Wonderland (who doesn't these days?). It is called Twisted, and I actually think some of the pieces are really cute. I picked through the teeny bopper shirts and knits. I will always try to pick items that are affordable when posting. I tried to keep each item under $30, but only one was over (BARELY).  As a first time mom and college student: COST is the number one determinant for if I buy something. This is hard because I am a HUGE impulse buyer. This past year has been really challenging but I am finally over my shopping obsession. 

Now, I simply blog about it. 

Happy Thursday, ladies.

My favorite item:  Satin Grosgrain Striped Skirt $25

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I am so glad I am not the only one...

I did this every freaking day when I was a kid. If you know me, you know I repped Barbie hard. I had a Barbie room and then my bedroom. Like seriously I had a freaking Barbie town: there was a mayor's mansion, a hood, a rich neighborhood. Damn I miss that room. The day would go on forever. : D

see AndreasChoice's Post about this video lol.

Check out her youtube channel too : AndreasChoice

<3 g-night for reals , Aiden will be awake in like 7 hours.

Muy Importante: EARTH HOUR


Thanks to the blog, Reduce Footprints' weekly Change the World Wed, I learned about it.

Basically, all over the world from 830 pm -930pm (2030-2130) people are being asked to turn off all their lights.

:) Goodnight.

Get the Look of "The Runaways"

I love Dakota Fanning and Kristin Stewart (Team Jacob lol). I was so excited to see them starring together in The Runaways.

Even more exciting Makeup Forever is responsible for all of the looks onset. AND they have video tutorials of the very looks you see above.

Plus a contest, but I couldn't find the rules. Not really interested anyway.

Alexander McQueen - RIP

Why didn't anyone tell me how HOT the Alexander McQueen S/S 2010 Pre-Collection Lookbook was? I must have been hitting my school books really hard to miss this?

RIP McQueen

This reminds me of ... a "METALLIC" pair of leggings...

<3 V

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Glamorous Gleam's 200 Followers Giveaway

Contest Details


Click on pic for contest details

Congrats on 200 followers. I wish u more success!

The Glamorous Gleam's Blog

Newport News: Designer Legging Shop

A new blogger like myself, Abby, inspired me to do this post. She had posted a link to newport news in her blog post debut and I was bored so I checked it out.








By an artist named Callowlily.

Read her bio, she seems pretty interesting. Not that her artwork wouldn't suggest that.

Forgot to mention: SHE is 25 years old.

Pyramid Clutch by Alexander Wang

A part of the Spring 2010 handbag collection.....

I Love Viva Glam

Cyndi Lauper and Lady Gaga team up for this years campaign with two lipsticks named after each star. I don't know about in your local stores but both cosmetics bags for each color are sold out online.

Mary Kay

I love Mary Kay. I used to be a consultant. Not just an ordinary consultant. I went to all my chapter meetings, adhered to the no pants, stockings and peep toe shoe rules. I learned so much from those ladies. I simply had a bigger committment ahead of me at the time - Nursing school. Anywho - I entered, yes, another contest but this one was interesting to me because she was a Mary Kay consultant.

Shout out to Cakes512 :  Her Youtube channel
IDK if she has a blog - So let me know Cakes512!
Anyone in the NYC area looking for a down to earth MK consultant here is her website:

Spiced Beauty = Beautiful and Smart

I love to see successful fashion/makeup blogs by african american women because I am half black. I am constantly looking for makeup how to's and reviews that will work well with my skin tone. 

Check out this blog: it's now apart of my daily reads!

She also has a MAC giveaway check her out!


Lipglossgossip Giveaway - Benefit / Elf / Sally Hansen

Check out this blog for awesome fashion posts!

Fashion by HE

If you are looking for another fashion/beauty blog to follow Fashion by He is a refreshing place in blog space. 

He is hosting a contest giveaway for a Misikko Hair Iron.

Check He Out! 

New Start

This will be a blog about everything I love - which will mainly consist of fashion!

Yet there are other things that are important to me so it will be a mix of my soul really. Music, love, nursing <3, and family. I want to keep it HOT though guys lol. So please give me feedback: positive, negative, ANYTHING. Unlike some people, you may be the same - When I really try, I have an amazing way of turning anything meant for bad into good. Ya'll know what I'm talking 'bout. (Pardon my speech I'm from Texas ya'll - no seriously.)

Well here goes nothing.