Skin. OMG. Let’s talk about it. First of all I hate mine. No, not my skin color. I have very sensitive skin. I have broken out in hives since…Well I can’t remember life without them. I must be allergic to everything. I have tried Aveeno – PEOPLE this is not for true sensitive skin. A good friend’s daughter has eczema and various allergies. She said the Aveeno for eczema prone skin made her daughter’s skin worse. I mean seriously how do company’s get away with selling basically the same product under different more expensive names. FYI- Johnson & Johnson produce Aveeno products as well. If you look at the list of ingredients on the back of Johnson & Johnson Head to Toe (baby soap), Aveeno, and “creamy” Aveeno : they are all the same products listed in different order. Since we know they are in order of amount, this simply means they are all the same ingredients in different amounts. I used my son’s Aveeno when I was experiencing hives. Yea, made it worse.
I use this only as an example of what all major brands do with our body products. I’m at my breaking point. I do not feel I should have “bad skin” because I am obviously allergic to chemicals. I know it is not this simple (I am in nursing school). I just want to be able to find something that will make my skin clean and smell beautiful. Right now, I am using CeraVe’s lotion when I am having a particularly bad few days. Great stuff. I totally recommend this for dry, sensitive skin; especially if you are allergic to fragrances. That is just it though. It smells like my son’s formula spit up, and formula stinks going in. Yuck.
So on my search I found this website and I read there frequently asked questions. Basically they say that they use the natural process to make soap, saponification.
Saponification occurs when a alkali base breaks down a fat. This fat can be vegetable or animal, which Lux Naturals claims to only use vegetable oils. They claim to use no animal products and perform no animal testing. : ) when the fat is broken, a salt made of fatty acids and glycerol remain = SOAP.
I took upon myself to investigate the animal products used in soap. Well, I found a website guys and it is not pretty. This is a website called Teach Soap and it is dedicated to making your own soap. Under there “Basics” section, there is an article titled “
Rendering Tallow”. Here you will see how to take suet
(animal fat generally from around the loins and kidneys of cattle) and melt it into tallow to be used for soap making.
Geez. That’s really gross. It’s enough to make me never want to make that type of soap but what is the difference between animal versus vegetable? What companies use animal oils? This is what I will be looking into on my skincare ”quest”. Finding quality products that work has become my goal after seeing that my son may have the same problems that I do.
Needless to say, I think that I am going to try out Lux Naturals. Shout out to
Abby, since I did see it on your blog! I will update with a yay or nay for Lux Naturals and my skin type.
By the way, Lux Naturals isn’t some large company. It is a man and woman, who state on their website, were looking for a product her husband could use on his psoriasis prone skin.
<3 Val